Behavioral Health Vs. Mental Health – Key Differences Explained

Behavioral Health Vs. Mental Health

What is behavioral health, and is behavioral health the same as mental health? The concept of mental health is well-known and extensively studied, but what about a similar term? Can a person’s behavior affect their feelings and vice versa? 

In this article, we will define behavioral health and mental health, understand the difference between these two concepts, and explore the components of these aspects of a person’s well-being.

Mental Health Vs. Behavioral Health

To a person without a psychology or psychiatry degree, the notions of behavioral health and mental health may seem identical yet it is not exactly true. They are certainly intertwined and often mistaken for one another but the essence differs. Mental health relates mainly to mood disorders and mental health conditions like anxiety or depression, and behavioral health offers to look at the bigger picture. For example, if an individual is depressed, the mental health approach would be to identify the negative thought patterns that prevent them from enjoying life, while the behavioral health approach will require looking at the patient’s personal habits, social life, and decisions they make based on their emotions and feelings. 

Some specialists also believe mental health is a part of behavioral health or these two concepts heavily overlap. For instance, if you are not sleeping enough due to stress, there will be emotional consequences such as mental fatigue and behavioral repercussions such as irritability and aggression that manifest in your conversations with other people. 

Defining Behavioral Health

Behavioral health is a rather broad concept that includes various habits, behaviors, and actions that make an impact on the mental wellness of the individual as well as their physical state. It means that the mental health of the individual is not the only factor that influences their psyche – the decisions the person continues to make on a daily basis, good and bad habits they have been accustomed to for years, and the values and demands their social environment imposes on them all play their role in how the individual feels and interacts with other people. 

Properly understanding the behavioral health meaning will help you recognize how your feelings, habits, actions, and reactions form the reality you live in. You may not even know it, but experienced therapists and psychologists make sure your mental and behavioral health are taken care of at the same time – for instance, they will try to uncover the causes of the mood disorder and manage the symptoms in a private setting while also encouraging you to join group therapy and interact with your peers to give you an example of positive social interaction and build up your emotional resilience.

3 Key Components of Behavioral Health

Physical FitnessThe physical well-being of the person is more important than many people think – if you manage to stick to proper nutrition, exercise regularly, and adhere to a sleep routine that helps you recharge every night, your mood improves and your outlook on life in general changes
Lifestyle FactorsWhile certain elements of physical health cannot be amended – for instance, you may be unable to prevent the development of a chronic illness – you can definitely choose to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Give up smoking and drinking on your own or under the supervision of a therapist and see how your anxiety and impulsivity go away
Social DriversThe relationships with your family, friends, and colleagues, your position and reputation in a local community, and the influences and pressures of society are essential when it comes to shaping behavioral health

Defining Mental Health

Mental health refers to the psychological and emotional well-being of the person. It affects the way they react to stress, respond to new information, interact with people, and reflect on their choices and aspirations. It is crucial to pay attention to your mental well-being – not only will you make wrong decisions influenced by bad mood but also an untreated disorder or condition will result in long-term mental and physical problems, from depression to cardiovascular diseases.

Whether you are using self-soothing techniques to cope with the manifestations of the mood disorder or seeking professional guidance to improve your mental health, behavior issues can be eliminated as well – studies have shown that the person who takes specific measures to enhance their mental wellness opens themselves to new opportunities in professional and personal life alike.

3 Key Components of Mental Health

Emotional HealthThis is the core element of mental health – it determines how you feel about yourself, how you act in the face of argument or danger, and how you acknowledge your own feelings while also respecting the opinions and struggles of others. When you build your resilience, increase your self-awareness, and treat yourself with compassion and objectivity, you will be emotionally healthy
Cognitive HealthThe importance of healthy cognitive function cannot be overstated – when you cannot think, remember, and learn without problems, it takes a toll on your mental health. A healthy brain is a prerequisite for good spirits – if you can retain information, you are open-minded to new perspectives and ideas, and your memory is strong, it means challenges like anxiety, depression, or trauma will not unsettle you easily
Social HealthYou cannot fully escape society even if you value the time you are able to spend alone – there will be interactions, conversations, and bonds the most isolated individual cannot and should not get rid of for the sake of their mental well-being. Your ability to build meaningful relationships with others is an integral part of your mental state – when you have no connections that bring you joy and fulfillment, the likelihood of a mental illness developing is much higher

Terms Within the Healthcare Landscape

While behavioral health and mental health are interconnected – just like the person’s behavior impacts their mental wellness, various mental health issues might result in toxic behavior patterns – these two terms have different meanings. Lately, these notions have been used interchangeably which is not exactly correct. Behavioral health focuses on mental health and also encompasses physical health, lifestyle, and social environment. Mental health, on the contrary, deals with the inner world of the individual, their emotional state, and their psychological challenges.

Although it is challenging to take meaningful action to protect and strengthen your mental state and behavioral patterns at the same time, there are certain methods that will be useful to all people experiencing difficulties with their emotional life and social communication. Making changes to your lifestyle to prioritize healthy nutrition and exercise, devoting time to polish your interpersonal skills so that you succeed in relationships with your partner and friends as well as put your best foot forward at work, and taking advantage of numerous therapy modalities that exist nowadays can help you heal your inner self, deal with any disorder that bothers you, and find the balance between your physical, emotional, and spiritual state.


  1. What is the difference between mental health and behavioral health?

Mental health is the psychological state of the person – their self-perception, emotions, decision-making, and principles they have set for themselves to follow. By contrast, behavioral health refers to the lifestyle, habits, and social interactions of the individual – the ways they express themselves. Either way, these two notions are very closely linked and should be analyzed together when the person requires psychological guidance.

  1. What is the difference between behavioral health and mental health counseling?

The main purpose of behavioral health counseling is to target the behavior of the patient, change the way they communicate with others, and help them stay sober after the decision to quit alcohol and drugs. Mental health counseling focuses on the inner peace of the person whose emotions may not manifest openly but still hurt them.

  1. Why is mental health now called behavioral health?

There are different viewpoints regarding these notions, and you may hear these terms used interchangeably, as synonyms equal in meaning to one another. Recently, these notions have been considered almost identical due to the emphasis mental health professionals place on your actions, interactions with other people, and methods you implement to deal with your mental health issues – a therapist, for one, may teach you coping skills to handle the issues that concern your mental and behavioral health at the same time.

  1. Are mental and behavioral disorders the same?

These terms are different. A mental disorder does not depend on the will of the person – for instance, a schizophrenic individual will experience hallucinations and delusions no matter how hard they try to avoid it. A behavioral disorder, on the other hand, implies the presence of choice – although an addict cannot control their actions, they do make a conscious decision to drink or use drugs. 

  1. What’s the difference between a behavioral health hospital and a mental health hospital?

While a mental health facility will only provide psychiatric services such as private therapeutic counseling, group therapy, and medication management, a behavioral health hospital will offer these services in addition to addiction treatment since substance use and abuse are rooted in behavioral health.

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