Bipolar Disorder and Addiction: Causes, Correlations, & More

There is a strong link between substance abuse and Bipolar Disorder – it is quite common for an addict to hear an additional diagnosis, just as it is likely for a person struggling with severe symptoms of bipolar to erroneously believe drugs and alcohol can become the way to cure their illness. 

In this article we will elaborate on the connection between bipolar, addiction to drugs, and alcohol abuse, explain what increases the odds of dealing with several issues simultaneously, and outline the basics of treatment of these mental conditions.

What Is Bipolar Disorder?

Bipolar Disorder refers to a mental health condition that leads to significant shifts in mood, low energy, and unpredictable behavior. Many individuals suffer from occasional bouts of depression as well as from mania and hypomania that prevent them from enjoying their personal and professional lives properly.

If you notice you or someone you care about exhibits weird behavior that may indicate the presence of this mood disorder, it is important to seek treatment following the advice of a mental health professional. 

People who neglect Bipolar Disorder or attempt to treat it by self-medicating or temporarily getting rid of symptoms their own way are at risk of developing anxiety and depression, suicidal ideations, and substance abuse issues. The latter is especially complicated since it is increasingly difficult to commit to comprehensive treatment when there is a combination of bipolar and addiction to substances.

3 Shared Risk Factors of Bipolar & Addiction

While every addiction story and a bipolar diagnosis is unique since every person has a past no one else can fully relate to, there are several preconditions that connect both addiction and Bipolar Disorder:

Risk FactorDescription

Traumatic Events
If you go through a traumatic event – even if you remain unharmed physically – it is hard to predict the reaction of your mind especially if you do not talk to a therapist or someone else you know was harmed. 
For instance, a person who witnessed an accident that claimed someone else’s life or had to deal with the sudden death of a partner or child is more likely to turn to alcohol and drugs or exhibit the first signs of Bipolar Disorder

Abusive Home
Unfortunately, numerous families left a lasting impact on their members, and not in a positive way. If your parents physically or emotionally abused you, you may believe you will find salvation in drugs or alcohol. 
In a similar way, the first symptoms of Bipolar Disorder may manifest when a young victim of abuse tries to cope with their trauma

Poor Lifestyle Choices
While scientists are still on the fence regarding the link between a sedentary lifestyle, poor nutrition, and the development of Bipolar Disorder, it is confirmed bad habits can lead to anxiety, depression, and social isolation. The latter issues, in turn, may trigger bipolar and substance abuse

What Is the Link Between Bipolar Disorder and Alcohol Addiction?

Bipolar and addiction to alcohol often appear in the same person – there are overlaps between these two problems. Here is what you should know about the Bipolar Disorder and alcoholism:

  • Alcohol frequently becomes the solution for individuals before or after they are diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder. At first, they believe drinking an alcoholic beverage at a party at the end of a long week is not a big deal – this is a simple way to relax and let go of your problems as well as briefly not feel any symptoms of a mental condition they cannot reconcile with. Yet soon a smaller amount of alcohol, just as drinking once or twice per week, does not eliminate the symptoms that lead to addiction.
  • Some symptoms of Bipolar Disorder may be missed since they resemble the consequences of alcohol use disorder. A person can be easily irritated, depressed for no apparent reason, violent, and abusive, and this will be attributed to the amount of alcohol they consumed instead of a potential mental illness.
  • Make sure you stick to the recommendations of the doctor when you finally get the treatment for your Bipolar Disorder – one of the key rules will be to avoid alcohol and take measures against the addiction if necessary. When you combine alcohol and bipolar medication, the side effects are harmful – cognitive impairment, dizziness, and confusion increase the risk of an accident.

What Is the Link Between Bipolar and Drug Addiction?

There are certain proven facts about Bipolar Disorder and substance abuse:

  • Drug addicts are more likely to exhibit the most severe symptoms of Bipolar Disorder, such as extreme fatigue and unpredictable mood swings.
  • People with Bipolar Disorder frequently turn to the most dangerous drugs to cope with the mood fluctuations and mania caused by their condition.
  • Serious drug addiction may trigger Bipolar Disorder – while there are other factors that lead to the development of this condition, substance abuse is often named as a primary cause.

Statistics confirm that many individuals diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder refused professional help for years before realizing or admitting there is an issue beyond bad mood, fatigue, and lack of enthusiasm – for instance, they used to solve their problems with stimulant drugs. 

If you suspect there is a mental health condition that requires prescribed medication instead of illegal substances that will only cause more problems for you in the long run, you must seek therapy for both bipolar and drug use as soon as you can.

Getting Treatment for Bipolar and Addiction

After the initial evaluation and physical exam are over, the doctor will be able to advise you on the most effective course of treatment – usually, it includes the following steps:

  • Alcohol and Drug Detox

It is crucial to begin the recovery under the guidance of a medical professional – at times, the withdrawal is so severe a patient may be on the brink of death. When your body is free of harmful substances, the treatment for your emotional issues can begin.

  • Implementation of Behavioral Techniques

A therapist will know more about the therapeutic approach that suits you best – during a counseling session, you will learn the coping mechanisms that will let you avoid the triggers that previously damaged your health, figure out how to respond to negative thoughts forming in your head, and acknowledge the mistakes that may have led you to addiction.

  • Group Therapy

Addiction and Bipolar Disorder both lead to relationship troubles, social isolation, and feeling no one understands and sees you as a normal person. By joining group counseling, you will be able to find new friends and relate to your peers that went through the same challenges in regard to their physical and mental health.

  • Aftercare

After you no longer visit the rehabilitation facility or go to therapy a few times a week to discuss the signs of Bipolar Disorder that bother you, your recovery cannot continue without your effort.

Remember to reach out for help whenever you are struggling, keep taking the medication that makes you feel better, and incorporate the advice you got from your doctor into your life, whether you are making substantial changes to your lifestyle or no longer letting other people harm you physically or emotionally.


  1. Who is at risk for developing Bipolar Disorder and substance abuse?

While every case must be analyzed on an individual basis, there are some overarching factors – if your close relative got an official diagnosis or was addicted to drugs or alcohol, you went through a life-changing event that left a lasting mark on your mental health, you are a survivor of physical or mental abuse, or you failed to take care of your well-being for a considerable amount of time, this will make you prone to developing both conditions in question.

  1. Can alcohol use trigger Bipolar Disorder?

Even occasional drinking can contribute to manic and hypomanic episodes – many individuals have noted the first symptoms of Bipolar Disorder manifested after they drank too much or their hungover was not going anywhere which made them think there is another issue present.

  1. Can I treat bipolar and drug addiction at the same time?

There is a misconception that you can only treat one problem at a time which is why some people promise themselves they will take their Bipolar Disorder seriously after they stop using drugs. You do not have to wait – people with dual diagnosis can go to a qualified therapist equipped with knowledge and skills to guide a patient towards sobriety and reduction in symptoms at the same time.

  1. What treatment options are available for Bipolar Disorder?

Upon evaluating the patient, the therapist will be able to come up with a treatment program most suitable in a particular case; however, most individuals reported significant improvement after attending talking therapy sessions and taking prescribed medication according to the schedule the counselor asked them to follow.

  1. How can I cope with alcohol addiction?

Professional help is key when it comes to sobriety – reach out to a doctor to minimize the negative consequences of alcohol withdrawal, commit to private counseling to resolve the underlying issues in your mind, and join a support group to rely on your peers as you move towards recovery.

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