Managing bipolar relationship dynamics is challenging whether you have been with your partner for a short time or you have been married for years before the symptoms of their mental disorder started manifesting more often. When a person with bipolar disorder ignores you, it can be confusing – our article will help you understand the emotional effects of this mental health condition and figure out how to respond in a way that respects their needs. Let us explore the connection between bipolar disorder and relationship challenges to show you how to keep your relationship strong and healthy.
Understanding Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar disorder refers to a mental health disorder that affects the behavioral patterns of an individual and causes random mood shifts. Although this condition is manageable with talking therapy, group counseling, relaxation practices, and prescription medication, it is hard to reconcile with your diagnosis especially if you are in a long-term relationship or married to a person who certainly was not aware of additional challenges at the beginning of your romance.
Even though bipolar disorder is a lifelong illness, it does not mean the person cannot lead a fulfilling life, meet new people, get married, and have a happy family – with proper treatment and an effort to monitor your symptoms, you get to enjoy your life without letting your condition define you. Naturally, bipolar disorder and relationship challenges go hand in hand, so it may take a while to find a person who accepts you as you are or clarify the symptoms of the disorder to a partner you have been with for months or years. Still, numerous individuals with bipolar disorder have been in long-term relationships with no lasting impact on their connection with their partners – you can do that as well.
Bipolar Disorder and Social Interactions
Bipolar disorder and communication issues are strongly linked – a person may not yet confirm their official diagnosis but already struggle to form meaningful connections with other people or maintain relationships with their family and friends. No matter how old the person is when the diagnosis becomes official, their communication skills suffer – they avoid social gatherings if they know they will have to interact with others non-stop and minimize their contact with people in general.
Bipolar disorder is particularly hard for younger individuals whose social network is constantly changing – their old relationships are strained while new friendships are nearly impossible due to the random manifestations of their illness.
Impacts on Relationships
Receiving any diagnosis that changes your life and your future is hard – whether you are diagnosed with a chronic illness that affects your physical health or you finally get an explanation for your bizarre behavior since you have been mentally unstable, it starts a new chapter in your life just like in the life of your significant other.
The emotional impact of bipolar disorder on relationships is a major concern for all people involved – a partner who got their diagnosis may worry they are no longer worthy of a secure relationship while their spouse might think the condition cannot be treated to ensure it does not interfere with family’s daily life.
Navigating bipolar disorder in intimate relationships is yet another difficulty – some people engage in risky behavior their partners certainly do not approve of while others struggle to connect with their spouses in the bedroom. To address this problem, you should consider marriage and family therapy – talking to a counselor together and making an informed decision about your future life as a couple is the smartest solution.
Reasons a Person with Bipolar Disorder Might Ignore You
When you are supporting a loved one with bipolar disorder, it is essential to respect their wishes to be left alone or offer your help in case their emotional state is not at its best at the moment. Here is a brief overview of reasons why your partner may not want to talk to you at the moment:
Reason | Description |
Need for Space | Despite being well-intentioned, a person whose partner or spouse has been diagnosed with a mental illness may do too much for them against their will – allow the individual you love to spend time on their own, maintain the independence they have been used to, work on their physical and mental wellness, and unwind after a long day |
Lack of Energy | This is something we all can relate to – when you come home after a long social gathering where you were forced to interact with other people who may not know about your emotional struggles, you just want to be left alone – and this has nothing to do with your family or partner. Still, this may be a cause for concern if tiredness and fatigue are persistent so encourage your partner to talk to their therapist about it |
Feelings of Worthlessness | It is not uncommon for a person with bipolar disorder to withdraw from others, and their partner in particular, due to feelings of guilt and uselessness – they may wrongly assume they are a burden for people around them. As soon as they are willing to listen to you, try to reassure them it is not so, and they are worthy of love and attention |
Coping When a Person with Bipolar Disorder Ignores You
Coping with a bipolar partner’s withdrawal can be genuinely upsetting especially when neither party is in the wrong – they are guided by their symptoms, and you are guided by love and compassion. There are certain things you should bear in mind when your significant other wants you to leave them alone for a while:
Suggestion | Description |
Be Patient and Understanding | The more you learn about bipolar disorder and its impact on a person’s psyche, the better partner you can become – an individual whose mental or physical health takes a hit is counting on their loved ones to show them the respect and empathy they deserve. Understanding bipolar mood swings, for instance, can help you end the conversation at the right time or suggest your partner to discuss the adjustment of medication with their therapist |
Maintain Communication | Although you may be met with anger and irritation when you try to talk to an individual going through a difficult time, it is very important to remind them your door is open – tell them you are there to talk when they are ready, and give them enough time to collect their thoughts in order to speak to you |
Take Care of Your Own Mental Health | Do not neglect your own needs as you are trying to help your partner – when you need to take a break yet you want someone to look after your spouse, ask your relatives to assist you, practice mindfulness, exercise regularly, and eat well. Caregiver burnout is real even if the illness is not of physical nature |
- What is the link between bipolar disorder and relationship challenges?
Since bipolar disorder is characterized by mood fluctuations, high and low energy levels, andå aggressive behavior, it is not easy for a bipolar individual to build relationships with other people or to maintain the relationships that started in the past.
- What are the challenges a caregiver may face while being in a relationship with a person whose bipolar disorder symptoms are severe?
A person whose partner is bipolar may feel mentally exhausted after navigating their relationship and other issues for a considerable amount of time – make sure you delegate certain tasks to other people, resist the temptation to self-isolate or spend time with your partner only, and seek professional help if you believe it is necessary for your mental wellness.
- Is it normal for my bipolar spouse to ignore me?
Bipolar disorder manifests differently – sometimes your partner will be extra affectionate and demand your attention while on some days they would not want to interact with you at all. Do not take that personally – this is yet another symptom of their illness; your job is to remind them you are ready to talk when they brace themselves for a dialogue.
- How can I let my partner know I am ready to help them with their mental health condition?
Upon hearing your partner is mentally unwell, you should react gently and not bombard them with questions even if they are prepared for a difficult conversation with you. Ask them what specific measures they would like you to take in order to relieve their stress at the present moment and inform them they can rely on you no matter how challenging the situation may get.
- Can setting boundaries with a bipolar partner strengthen our bond?
Whether your spouse has bipolar disorder or they are a highly emotional individual who wants to keep certain parts of their life private, it is important to adhere to their needs and preferences to demonstrate your commitment to your relationship – for instance, if they ask you not to interfere in the family dispute that does not concern you, you will be able to avoid a conflict while they are managing their private issues the way they seem fit.